
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jangan Tunjuk Gah...

This was written by A Alwi and appeared in Malaysiakini

I refer to the alarming surge in Influenza A(H1N1) deaths in the country. It is time for the government to consider declaring it a national health emergency.

All attention and resources should be geared towards stopping this deadly pathogen from spreading further.Politicians from both sides of the divide should immediately drop all their antics and join forces with the authorities to safeguard the population from falling victims to this deadly bug.

Only a national health emergency declaration will jolt people to the seriousness of the situation.The recent World Health Organisation (WHO) forecast that hundreds may die from A(H1N1) infection in the country is indeed frightening.

The number of deaths reported daily the last couple of days appears to substantiate the WHO forecast.The Ministry of Health is doing its best, but it is not enough for a situation of this nature. It must to advise the government to declare a national health emergency.

Time is of essence here. Do we need to have one hundred people dead before we declare a national health emergency?

Nak tunngu apa lagi...walaupun ada desakan dari pelbagai pihak untuk menutup sekolah lebih awal dari cuti yang telah di tetapkan, tapi pihak kementerian pendidikan, masih lagi berdegil tidak mahu dengar.

Hujung tahun terdapat cuti 12 belas minggu, bawa je lah seminggu ke cuti bulan Ogos ni..So dengan cara itu.."hari belajar" tidak terjejas.. Kalau dulu mereka boleh buat perkara sama untuk berhari raya, kenapa tidak boleh untuk perkara yang sebegini serious.

Jika ada pelajar sekolah yang meninggal kerana dijangkiti HINI dari sekolah, maka Menteri Pelajaran dan Kementerian harus di pertanggung jawabkan..

May be we should hang them for deliberately causing death.

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